Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The book of Job is the story of a good man who suffers total disaster - he loses his children and property and afflicted with a repulsive disease. Although God loved Job, his faithful servant. He allowed Satan to test his faith. What if Job lost everything? Job was still faithful, but wants to prove to God that he was innocent, that he don't deserve such cruel punishment. His friends, Bildad, Zaphar, Eliphaz listened to his complaints and tried to explain Job's suffering. (Book of Job, GNT)

But a bystander named Elihu, a young man who was filled with the Spirit of God said to Job, 

"Why do you accuse God of never answering our complaints? Although God speaks again and again, no one pays attention to what He says" - Job 33:13-14

This was very striking for me, after reading the book of Job. I heard my own complaints, but was awed by the magnificence of God. Yes, who knows the mind of the Lord? It's too great for us. The speeches made by Elihu to Job shouts, listen!!(read through Speeches of Elihu Job 32-37). I myself, was quieted with my complaints...especially when God finally answered Job.

finally, let me share to you a beautiful prayer of humility from Job

I know, Lord, that you are all powerful; 
That you can do everything you want.
You ask how I dare question your wisdom
when I was so very ignorant.
I talked about things i did not understand,
about marvels too great for me to know.
You told me to listen while you spoke
and to try to answer your questions.
In the past I knew only what others had told me,
But now I have seen you with my own eyes.
So I am ashamed of all I have said
and repent in dust and ashes.
                                                     - Job 42:2-6

I still do complain to God like Job, at times. Or choose to listen what I only want to hear. or worse, don't listen at all on what He wants to tell me or what He wants me to do!

But as God loved me, He was patient and try to deliver messages through readings, reflections, through friends, the Mass and other people. Sometimes even gave unfortunate events, just to make us STOP and LISTEN. This made me soo grateful and loved by Him.

Be still my friend....pause and be silent. What was God's message to you today?..Listen. =)

God bless you!

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Monday, January 14, 2013


I am sharing with you one of the beautiful prayers, we prayed about love and friendship. Before reading this...Assume yourself facing a special friend or you may think about your family, brothers or sisters, friends, more so those you find difficult. In the same way, you are facing Jesus.
I Thank God, I have you. God Bless you friend. I LOVE YOU.

  GOD IS LOVE - " We cannot love God, whom we have not seen, if we do not love    others, whom we have seen." - 1 John 4:20

Friend, I don't know how to tell you,
How much I love you
And how much I need you.
I love you because I see you are happy
And because with Love, 
You listen to my words
and keep my lengthy secrets
I love you because, you approach me with respect,
You accept my silence or my outbursts,
You lift me when I fall
And encourage me in my dreams.
You are not scandalized by my sin
Nor condemn me for my limitations.

I need you brother, sister
To receive your advice,
To give what I have,
To share my faith, 
To tell you what I feel.
And to sing with you.

Thank you my friend,
For the transparency of your heart, 
and because through you, I can see
the serene, broad, happy, neat
great Big smile of God himself.

(taken from "My Brother and Sister", retreat for PLW Guides, 
January 11-13, 2013 at Holy Spirit Mission Retreat Center, Tagaytay)